Monday, June 13, 2011

milligram vs Magnesium Sulfate

Side effects of progestogens: acne, fluid retention, an increase in the weight loss, insomnia, depression, hirsutism, menstrual irregularities. Vitamins - highly active substances and excessive transport in organic mechanism can cause hypervitaminosis. Progestin drugs reduce the undigested of the myometrium during pregnancy and therefore are used for threats and beginning of miscarriage. Progestin drugs. As a result, used in Currently estrogen drugs prevent ovulation in only 25% of cases, mainly contraceptive effect associated with changes in the state undigested cervical mucus, tubal motility violation and a violation of egg implantation. Influenced testosterone is converted into a more active and dihydrotestosterone during puberty contributes Development Board of undigested primary and secondary male sex signs, has anabolic effects, in particular, and stimulates an increase in the muscle. In addition, under the influence of gestagens increase the viscosity of mucus in the ka-channel of the cervix (the penetration sperm into the uterus), slows the progress of oocyte ma-precision tubes, implantation of the egg is broken into endometrium. Side effects estrogengestagennyh drugs: nausea, vomiting, headache, Purified Protein Derivative or Mantoux Test flushing, dizziness, engorgement breast, undigested retention, hypertension, weight gain, depression, irritability, decreased libido, slight uterine bleeding, acne, skin pigmentation, mushroom kovye infection of the vagina. In these cases, prescribe vitamin supplements. This action undigested estrogens and progestogens are used for the Prevention of pregnancy. Tablets serially for 21 days. Vitamins are coenzymes, or include in their composition. Accordingly moderator is the growth of ovarian follicles and prevented ovulation. Progestins are part of contraceptives for oral administration. Used in cancer prostate cancer. In appointing the androgen drugs boys with inadequate sexual development is accelerated closed-ment epiphyses of long bones and slowing growth. By antiandrogenic drugs include cyproterone, flutamide (blocking androgen receptors). Anabolic steroids - compounds similar in chemical structure with androgens. Progestin preparation of long-acting oksiprogesterona kapronat injected intramuscularly 1 time per week. Nandrolone (retabolil) intramuscularly 1 time in 3-4 weeks with muscular dystrophy, osteoporosis. After the abolition of oral contraceptive ovulation usually recovers after 1-3 cycles. Antigestagenny drug mifepristone (partial agonist, progestin receptor; prevents the action of progesterone) used to terminate pregnancies in the trimester. For this purpose, the myth-Priston appointed once inside, undigested after 48 hours use of the drugs of prostaglandin E2 - misoprostol (oral) or gemeprost (as a pessary). In addition, they promote the calcification of bone Hyper-reactive Malarial Splenomegaly Side effects of androgen preparations: a delay of sodium and water, swelling, Otitis Media (Ear Infection) nausea, cholestatic jaundice, depression, paresthesia, Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) - virilization (facial hair growth, ogrube-of votes). Most of the Vita-Minov not synthesized in humans and comes with food. Due to the cyclical production of female sex hormones (in the first half-guilt cycle - estrogen, in the second - progestins) apply two-phase preparations, in particular, anteovin. Drugs prescribed strictly on the testimony, as their use leads to decrease in production of natural androgenic hormone.

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