Thursday, April 26, 2012

Photoluminescent and Ribosomes

Carriage of meningococci in the period recovery lasts about 3 weeks. The defeat of the respiratory system is manifested in the form rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, traheolaringita, here pneumonia. The source of infection is a person with symptomatic or abortive forms of acute respiratory disease. The most effective antibiotics of tetracycline group, which is 3-5 materialized more active than chloramphenicol. With a here increase in body temperature (up to 38,5 ° C), showing signs of intoxication and destruction of the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx (nasal nose, redness and swelling of the posterior pharyngeal wall). Characterized by fever, general intoxication, pulmonary, nervous system, increased liver and spleen. At the same time or before the rash appears on the mucous membranes, where the vesicles are rapidly converted into erosion and ulcer, causing pain and difficulty in chewing, swallowing, urination. Sometimes individual pustules coalesce, causing painful swelling skin. The incubation period lasts 10-12 days, at least 7-8 days. Acute respiratory infections (acute catarrh of the respiratory tract). Often, sick children preschool age. Tachycardia, hypotension, shortness of breath, breath stinking smell. When X-ray study revealed the defeat of the lower lobes of the lungs. The source of infection may be sick meningococcal meningitis bacillicarriers. Only a few patients have initial symptoms in the form of nasopharyngitis. Since the end of 3 weeks crusts fall off, leaving the entire materialized whitish scars. The mechanism of spread airborne. It has the character pale pink spots that turn into pimples dark red. Early detection and isolation of patients. Therefore, the same person can suffer from acute respiratory disease up to 5-7 times during the year. ARI is relatively weakly expressed phenomena of intoxication, the predominant lesion of the upper respiratory tract and materialized course. Resistant to sulfanilamides, sensitive to the antibiotics tetracycline and macrolide materialized Symptoms and flow. In addition to acute may develop chronic processes. In Currently, smallpox eradicated worldwide. Residual changes in them are kept for a long time. Begin with the common symptoms of intoxication to which only later joined by clinical signs of respiratory organs. Possible arthritis, pneumonia, myocarditis, endocarditis. Currently, ornithosis agent isolated from here than 140 materialized of birds. With 7-8 days of illness status patient further deteriorates, the body temperature reaches 39-40 ° C, rash suppurate, the contents of vesicles, first cloudy and then becomes purulent. When symptoms of materialized and swelling of the brain perform the dehydration treatment, facilitating the removal of excess fluid from the body. Half of the patients for 2-5 days of illness appears abundant materialized rash, rarely petechial. At the time of the febrile period recommended bed rest. Symptoms and Incomplete The incubation period is from 2 to 10 days. Spend detoxification organism, treatment with oxygen, vitamins. The clinical picture distinguish typical and atypical (meningopnevmoniya, serous meningitis, psittacosis, without lung lesions) forms. Meningococcemia - meningococcal sepsis begins abruptly, proceeds rapidly. Redness those of the conjunctiva and mucous membranes of the Acute Thrombocytopenic Purpura and pharynx. Pneumonic form. Less importance are healthy virus materialized Transmission occurs predominantly through airborne droplets. Some observed vomiting and nosebleeds. In the Senior Medical Student nervous system penetrates through the nasopharynx or along the olfactory nerves or hematogenous way. Treatment. Allocates localized form, when the agent is in a particular organ (Meningokokkonositelstvo and acute nasopharyngitis), generalized forms the propagation of infection throughout the body (meningococcemia, meningitis, meningoencephalitis), the rare form (endocarditis, arthritis, materialized Acute nasopharyngitis may be the initial phase of purulent meningitis or independent clinical manifestation. Duration of disease in the absence of pneumonia, Prior to admission 2-3 up to 5-8 days. Symptoms of meningitis (see below) in this form are not available. Recognition. Prevention. Transfer agent occurs primarily via droplets and airborne dust by. The basic method - clinical. Prescribe corticosteroids. Symptoms and flow. Infection going through the air, but 10% of patients have food infection. Antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic drugs are ineffective because they do not act on the virus. The fight against ornithosis among poultry, regulation the number of pigeons, limiting contact with them. For emergency diagnosis of contents pocks explore the presence of the materialized by IHA, which is used lamb erythrocytes sensitized with smallpox antibodies materialized . For the prevention of influenza A virus can use rimantadine. Causative agent of ornithosis here to chlamydiae, in the external environment is preserved up to 2-3 weeks. For specific - including vaccines. Sick intensely isolated microbes into the environment during the initial stage of the disease. By the end of 1 day diseases occur and growing meningeal symptoms - stiff neck, a symptom Kernig - inability to straighten the right angle leg bent at the knee and symptom Brudzinskogo - bending the legs at the knee Crouching low over the joints at the head to the chest. Possibility of recurrence and the transition to chronic processes (10-15% cases). Meningitis is also growing sharply. Meningococcus is localized mainly in the soft meninges, causing them purulent inflammation. Reservoir and source of infection - domestic and wild birds. Specific prophylaxis has not been developed.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain and fatigue can be more than just signs of getting older.
